
When I was about 12 years old, we had a white cat named Snowball.  This is a photo of a Snowball look-a-like.  She was my first cat in a family that loved dogs.  I loved that cat.  I believe she was a stray, and my mother didn’t want her in the house.  I do remember  Snowball was a female.  Not sure what ever happened to Snowball and when my mother was alive, I remember asking her, but she gave a vague response, like “I don’t know, she went out one day and didn’t come back.”  I was too young to understand animal death. Nor did I understand a parent that didn’t like animals and would deprive a child of an animal’s love. I eventually forgave my mom for her short comings when it came to animals.  However, I often think of Snowball and someday hope to own another white cat.

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